STL Happy Hour - Episode 4: We Had a Plan ... But It Got Scrapped

January 31, 2019 01:15:04
STL Happy Hour - Episode 4: We Had a Plan ... But It Got Scrapped
STL Happy Hour
STL Happy Hour - Episode 4: We Had a Plan ... But It Got Scrapped

Jan 31 2019 | 01:15:04


Show Notes

Nintendo GameBoy

Please subscribe and rate if you listen on iTunes! It means a lot!

The highlight of this show is when Alpena mentions cutting onions, and Andy goes into a how-to on cutting onions. Hint: You need a sharp knife.

Could there be a real cure for cancer within a year? We'll discuss.

Is it as fun being a kid today as it was in the 80s and 90s?

Do you still have your GameBoy?

All of that and more ... on the latest episode of the STL Happy Hour part of the Saint Louis Podcast Network

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