Latest Episodes

STL Happy Hour - Our Favorite "Calls" of All Time, Ken Wilson, The Origins of "Gloria" and the St. Louis Blues, and Take It or Leave It
We start the show by enjoying (again) the call of the Western Conference Semi-finals Game 7 from Chris Kerber and Joey Vitale on the...

Flooding, The Art of the Car Deal, and Amazon Prime
It's another episode chock full of stuff you want to hear about!

Blues Hockey, Aquarium Talk, Marvel and Star Wars Movies
Andy Hanselman & Larry Nickel Our good friend Larry Nickel (@nick2995) got some unfortunate health news this week. He is a dearly loved contributor...

STL Happy Hour - Masters Recap, Cord Cutting & Streaming Services, Keyboard Gangsters, Notre Dame burns

STL Happy Hour - We All Have Stories
It's another edition of ADD theater as John and Andy sit around telling life stories. Join the ride that is the STL Happy Hour...

STL Happy Hour - Episode 8: The Return of the Podcast
Alright, so it was only two weeks, but it feels like it was a lifetime. We hope you enjoy this new episode of the...